We are Document Service Provider

A Complete Document Solution in one place for all local shop in Maharashtra, who runs their online shop, CSC Center and Cyber Cafe.

Explore Services Login

In Today world Document making is most of the important business which is done
by all middle class people by starting the shop like cyber cafe, csc center, and online services.

Below are few services which we offer on this portal.


Pan Card New/CSF

New pan card as well as correction pan card application is accepted here. From this you can make pan card of any individual,business or any firm.


Domicile Certificate

You can apply for a domicile cetificate by filling the form and uploading documents from the portal. You will get the domicile document in your domicile list.


Income Certificate

You can apply for a Income cetificate by filling the form and uploading documents from the portal. You will get the Income document in your applied list.


Gazzete for Name Change

You can apply for a Income cetificate by filling the form and uploading documents from the portal. You will get the Income document in your applied list.


Senior Citizen Card

Senior Citizen card is made for the people above 60 age from Tehsil. The certificate is issue from Your Tehsil. You can download this from your applied list.


Gumasta for Business

You can apply for gumasta for your business. The Gumasta certificate will be generated in 1 Working Day. You can download the certificate from your list.


Rent Agreement Registration

You can book the appointment for Registered Rent Agreement by paying the mentioned amount on the portal which is service charge. Rest will be as per Stam Duty and Registration.


ITR File

From This option you can file a Return File of an Individual Applicants or small business. Who want to make an ITR. You can get the copy of the application in the applied list.


Get ready to discover all the benefits and secrets of a perfect launch

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur netsum lorem fugit, sed quia magni dolores eos qui ratione sequi nesciunt neque et poris ratione sequi enim quia tempor magni.

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  • Lorem tempor ante acu ipsum net finibus, atimus veilite nistris qui tempor ratione estimat ipsum.
  • Etiam tempor ante acu ipsum net finibus, atimus veilite nis qui tempor ratione estimat ipsum.
  • Tendis tempor ante acu ipsum finibus, et atimus etims urnatis quisle ratione lorem nets et sequi tempor.

Great Pricing Plans

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority
have suffered alteration, by injected humour, or new randomised words.

  • $19
  • Per Month
  • 24/7 Support
  • 50 Gb Bandwidth
  • 1 User Acount
  • $29
  • Per Month
  • 24/7 Support
  • 200 Gb Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Experiences
  • 10 Themes
  • Weekly Updates
  • GOLD
  • $99
  • Per Month
  • 24/7 Support
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • 50 Gb Bandwidth
  • Daily Updates
  • 10 User Acounts
  • Custom Hosting
  • Unlimited Acces

Amazing Features

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority
have suffered alteration, by injected humour, or new randomised words.

Support 24/7

Utise wisi enim minim veniam, quis tation ullamcorper suscipit et loboti nisl consequat nihis.

User Friendly

Utise wisi enim minim veniam, quis tation ullamcorper suscipit et loboti nisl consequat nihis.


Utise wisi enim minim veniam, quis tation ullamcorper suscipit et loboti nisl consequat nihis.

Chat With Friends

Utise wisi enim minim veniam, quis tation ullamcorper suscipit et loboti nisl consequat nihis.


Utise wisi enim minim veniam, quis tation ullamcorper suscipit et loboti nisl consequat nihis.

Cost Control

Utise wisi enim minim veniam, quis tation ullamcorper suscipit et loboti nisl consequat nihis.

Get In Touch

If you have any queries related to services
do let us know by filling the form or contact us on given number.